Home Owner Renter’s Insurance – Yes, You Really Do Need It

Many people enjoy the convenience of renting a house or apartment. There’s no
real commitment, you don’t have to worry about selling it if you decide to move,
and if something breaks – well, you can usually just call the landlord. Yes,
renters seem to have it easy sometimes! However, despite the convenience, rented
houses or apartments aren’t exempt from risks such as fires and smoke, theft and
vandalism, water and electricity damage, or damage from weather elements. It’s
most likely that your landlord isn’t going to pay to replace all your clothing
should your apartment catch fire or be burglarized. Therefore, you still need to
purchase renter’s insurance.

Renter’s insurance will cover living expenses, with possible limits, if you are
unable to live in your rented home or apartment due to damages. This is
extremely beneficial to those who don’t have family members or friends nearby
with room for boarding. And, if you’re renting a home because it’s more
financially practical for you, there’s good news – renter’s insurance is most
often much less than home owner’s insurance because you’re only insuring your
possessions. Your landlord will have insurance for the house or apartment; the
house or apartment itself isn’t yours to repair

There are two basic policies for renter’s insurance – the actual cash value
policy, which covers the cost to replace your possessions with a deduction for
depreciation up to your policy limit, and the replacement cost policy, which
covers up to your policy limit with no deduction. It’s important to remember
that many policies only cover a certain kind of valuables, so check with your
agent to find out what the limits are. If you need more possessions insured, you
may want to consider purchasing a separate floater policy that will cover the
additional items.

So remember, just because renting offers the luxury of less worry and
maintenance, you still need to protect your possessio

Home Owners – Renters Insurance – A Smart Buy

Rushing through Home Insurance Process is not advisable. One of the reason why many people rush through the process of buying home insurance is to get to the fun task of buying furniture they require. But they should be alive to the fact that before rushing through the process, are they getting the coverage they really need? Smartly invested time in buying home insurance may will definitely fetch you smart coverage.

How to be smart then? Well, there is an easy way to do that. Remember, we are fortunate enough to find hundreds of thousands of Homeowners Insurance comes on the net craving a business from you. Of course, you need not go to each one of them and waste time. You must select well-known few of them who already have established their reputation in your area! Yes, these companies will never compromise with their business reputation and thus offer excellent services and coverage. You may say that its good idea to get home insurance from a company you are working with (such as your health insurance company). That may be a good idea, but not always a best. The company you are already working with may have specialized in, say, apropos above example, health insurance, but it may not offer good coverage for home insurance. Without comparing the quotes and coverage, I, for myself don’t feel that it is possible to find out a company offering cheap and the best!!!

Of course the value of your home and coverage you require to keep it safe is also one of the important consideration. One may feel safe with low deductible. Not bad. But keep in mind, higher deductible lowers premium.

So smart shoppers will always compare the home insurance quotes, keep in mind their needs, the coverage they need, the benefits offered by the companies, the reputation of the company in your area, so on and so forth, isn’t it?

Home Owners-Renters Be Careful With What You Post on Social Media

The huge growth in social networking is now starting to raise the issue of the risks it can pose for insurers by facilitating burglaries. The fact that young people are most likely to post compromising information (16-24 year olds ranked the highest in every case worst offenders for posting details about their whereabouts and pictures of expensive items that they own) indicates that these could be the households most at risk. This might eventually be reflected in the increases of insurance premiums for certain categories of homeowners.


Don’t give out information that might reveal more about you than you want people to know, especially to strangers and people you have just met

Remember that what feels to you like a private conversation can often be watched online by friends of friends, or complete strangers

Think about using a fun fake name instead of your real name, do not disclose your street address or phone number on your wall or in your profile

Think about the profile photo you use – it might not be a good idea to make yourself appear like someone who is likely to own lots of expensive gear!

Think about the way you write online – it may seem strange, but professional burglars will be put off by people who abbreviate their posts or use ‘text language’ (e.g. u, ur, ttyl, etc.)

Don’t post details of when you are going on vacation, or when you are going to be leaving the house unattended.

Current trends in social networking are clearly part of the new agenda for home insurers, and you should also be very mindful of the potential dangers they entail.

Please visit http://reclaimsinc.com for additional information.

ReClaims Inc is a Customer Advocacy Service dedicated to helping home owners effectively recover from property damages. Most of the home owners are not fully equipped to deal with major damages and make mistakes that haunt them for a long time. These will be retained in the national claim databases and impact their premiums and ability to acquire coverage. ReCla

Home Owners/Mobile Home/Renters Get Your Refund Check

Are you 62 years of age or older? Is your yearly income $40,811 or less in 2005. Are you blind or disabled? If you answer yes to any of these questions you may be entitled to a government refund.

Every year starting on July 1 and ending on October 15th you are able to file for government assistance.

You can go to this website www.ftb.ca.gov [http://www.ftb.ca.gov] and download the form you must submit. Or call 800-868-4171.

If you were 62 years old on December 31, 2005 and receive supplemental security income, you do not need proof of age.

If you do not receive supplemental security income you may choose one of these to send in with your form.

Qualifications For Home Owners: Do Not Send Original Documentation:

Birth Certificate

California’s Drivers License

California Senior Citizens ID Card

Medi-Cal Card

Birth Certificate

Church Baptism Record

Social Security Card

Homeowner’s assistance is one time yearly payment from the State of California. It is calculated by your homeowner’s taxes you pay.

Documentation for Mobile Home Owners:

A copy of the registration cared or the registration billing notice issued by the Department of Housing and Community Development or your property tax bill.

Homeowner’s assistance is one time yearly payment from the State of California. It is calculated by your homeowner’s taxes you pay.

For a Mobile Home Owner you will need to fill out one of these forms. FTB 9000R or
FTB 9000H whichever is needed. If you pay property taxes use FTB 9000H.

How Much Money Will Be Refunded? – FOR RENTERS – From $15.00 – $ 347.50

How Much Money Will Be Refunded For Homeowners/Mobile Home Owners $19.72 – $472.60.

Qualifications for Renters for Refund:

62 years old or older



You lived in a qualified rented residence in California in 2005

You paid more than $50.00 a month rent.

Total yearly income $40,811 or less in 2005.

You can only file for either renters assistance or homeowners assistance – not both.

If you do not have access to a computer go to the library. They have several computers for your use and free of charge.

All the information and any questions you have are on the website [http://www.ftb.ca.gov]. This website has all the information and more you need to get started and getting your refund.

Thank you for reading my article. Please feel free to read my numerous articles.

Copyright 2006 Linda Meckler

Linda is the author of her first children’s book, “Ghost Kids Trilogy.” Christy, 12 and her Brother Brad, 16 moves into an old house on top of a mountain and meet two Ghost Kids. Become involved with all the characters and all the adventure and mystery.

Then we have a mysterious, magical Blue Vase with Uncle Charlie the villain is trapped. He wants out of the Blue Vase and exchange he will tell Christy and Brad where Pirates’ Treasure is Hidden.

Take a walk with Christy and Brad down a dark hall hunting for Pirates” Treasure. You will think were you there right there with the